Unable to use device.sendData() function

Unable to use device.sendData() function

@Olivier Gimenez


I am trying to create an analysis using device.sendData() without success, even with a simple code based on the snippet Operate data from device:

 * Analysis Example
 * Operate data from devices
 * Read information from a variable generated by devices,
 * run a simple calculation in real-time, and create a new variable with the output.
 * Instructions
 * To run this analysis you need to add a device token to the environment variables,
 * To do that, go to your device, then token and copy your token.
 * Go the the analysis, then environment variables,
 * type device_token on key, and paste your token on value

const { Analysis, Device, Utils } = require("@tago-io/sdk");

// The function myAnalysis will run when you execute your analysis
async function myAnalysis(context) {
  // reads the values from the environment and saves it in the variable env_vars
  const env_vars = Utils.envToJson(context.environment);

  if (!env_vars.device_token) {
    return context.log("Missing device_token environment variable");

  const device = new Device({ token: env_vars.device_token, region: "usa-1" });

  // Multiplies the water_level value by 2 and inserts it in another variable
  const obj_to_save = {
    variable: "water_level_double",
    value: 10,

  try {
    await device.sendData(obj_to_save);
    context.log("Successfully Inserted");
  } catch (error) {
    context.log("Error when inserting:", error);

module.exports = new Analysis(myAnalysis);

// To run analysis on your machine (external)
// module.exports = new Analysis(myAnalysis, { token: "YOUR-TOKEN" });

I got the device token from:

Any obvious thing I missed? Thanks