Save a variable of the analysis in the bucket

Save a variable of the analysis in the bucket


Hello! I’m a newbie of TagoIO platform.
Id’like to save in the bucket the moment when my device goes out from a Geofence.

My Geofence check analysis checks if the device is inside or not a geofence, triggered by an action every 1min. (my device send position info every 20sec).

If the check is false Id’like to save the exit time data_exit:“YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss” in the bucket and use this variable in another analysis, Report send analysis that generates a report of the data from already mentioned data_exit to the moment this second analysis is triggered. The Report send analysis is triggered by the user.

I cannot found a function to save a variable of an analysis in the bucket.

Right now I’m already able to generate the report from 2 dates manually set with an input form in the dashboar. (ex: temperature values from date x to date y).

Next step I want to retrieve data from date_exit from the geofence, to the trigger moment of the Report send analysis (example: collect data of a delivery from a warehouse (geofence) to the drop point (button pushed).

Thank you for the help!