Get the current number of data registers for the device

Get the current number of data registers for the device

@Daniel Garcia

Hi there,

I am using account.bucket.amount followed in this documentation: Buckets | TagoIO SDK for JavaScript and TypeScript
I have this following line in my code:

const { Analysis, Device, Services, Utils, Account } = require("/sdk");
const axios = require(“axios”);
const dayjs = require(“dayjs”);

async function myAnalysis(context) {

    const account = new Account({ token: "..." });
    const device_id = "5fa8a25464cead00287c1626";
    const device_bucket = await account.bucket.amount(device_id);
    context.log("device bucket: " + device_bucket)


I am not sure if this is the correct way to grab the data but I am only getting {} as an output. If you can go into more detail regarding this. I would greatly appreciate it.
